fermentation tank
3000L Brewery Fermentation Tank
YUXIN brewery fermentation tank with an average 25% Head Space. All tanks have a Dish top, Cylinder body & 60 /70°Cone Bottom. Certified stainless steel material for all tanks, with 100% TIG welded joints and seams with sanitary interior polish. Dimple Plate jacket for glycol cooling & high efficient Polyurethane foam insulated. All tanks use tri-clamp connections and we can custom fabricate any tank to meet your brewery's space and height restrictions.
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20000L Wine Fermentation Tank
Serbatoio di fermentazione del vino YUXIN 20000L materiale in acciaio inossidabile - parete singola / doppia parete con isolamento a scelta del cliente -varia capacità di soddisfare le esigenze della cantina di diverse scale -può essere personalizzato
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